The Moroccan association IOSIS was created in 2011, located at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Mohammedia, to promote research and development on innovative geographic information systems, particularly allowing the integration of emerging solutions related to mobile technologies and geolocation (GPS, NFC, Sensors , Etc.).
IOSIS aims to ensure that the views of the teaching of geographic information systems and research are fully consistent with the needs of national engineering in this field.
IOSIS also offers a permanent forum where scientific researchers, developers and integrators of geographic information can meet and exchange ideas and experiences. This forum catalyzes the creation of synergies between GIS business actors and developers from industrial and public institutions.
IOSIS activities are managed by a seven-member board of directors elected by its members. Its main tasks are to develop an organizational structure to achieve the objectives set, to continue to develop, with the help of the members, an effective research program synchronized with the technological , to stimulate initiatives and organize seminars, training workshops, summer schools and conferences.